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31st Malaysian Society for Non Destructive Testing (MSNT) AGM (With Election)

By setiausahamsnt In



Ahli Persatuan Ujian Tanpa Musnah Malaysia (MSNT) yang dihormati,
Respected Malaysian Society for Non Destructive Testing (MSNT) members,

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.
Assalamualaikum and Greetings.

Notis Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan (AGM) ke-31 Persatuan Ujian Tanpa Musnah Malaysia (MSNT) yang akan diadakan seperti ketetapan berikut:
Notice is hereby given that the 31st AGM of the Malaysian Society for Non Destructive Testing (MSNT) will be held as follow:

Tempat: Ballroom, Bangi Resort Hotel, Bangi, Selangor
Venue: Ballroom, Bangi Resort Hotel, Bangi, Selangor 
Hari: Rabu
Day: Wednesday
Tarikh: 12 Ogos 2020
Date: August 12th, 2020
Masa: 8.00 Pagi hingga 1 Petang.
Time: 8.00 AM to 1 PM.
Pendaftaran: 8.00 PAGI – 8.30 PAGI
Registration: 8.00 AM- 8.30 AM

Agenda AGM adalah seperti berikut:
The AGM Agenda is as follow:

1. Ucapan alu-aluan Presiden MSNT
    Welcoming Remarks by MSNT President
2. Kelulusan minit AGM MSNT ke-30
     Approval of 30th MSNT AGM minute
3. Perkara berbangkit
    Matters raised
4. Laporan Tahunan April 2018 – April 2020
    Annual Report April 2018 – April 2020
5. Laporan Penyata Kewangan Januari 2019 – Disember 2019
    Financial Statement Report January 2019 – December 2019
6. Pembentangan dan perbahasan usul yang dicadang
    Presentation and debate on proposed motions
7. Perkara-perkara lain
    Other matters
8. Pemilihan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah MSNT (BOD) untuk April 2020 – April 2022
    MSNT Board of Directors (BOD) for April 2020 – April 2022 Election
9. Ucapan penutup oleh Presiden MSNT
     Closing remarks by MSNT April 2020 – April 2022 Election elected President
10. Makan tengah hari

Dapatkan salinan perlembagaan MSNT anda di sini.
Get your copy of MSNT constitution here.

Kompilasi laporan, usul, dan pencalonan akan di muat naik 2 minggu sebelum tarikh AGM di ruangan muat turun website ini.
Compiled reports, proposed motions, and nominations will be uploaded in this website’s download section 2 weeks before the AGM.

Memandangkan kita masih dalam mod PKPP, Bangi Resort Hotel (BRH) menghendaki semua tetamu mematuhi SOP mereka. Sila muat turun & baca SOP BRH di sini.
As we are still in the MCOR mode, Bangi Resort Hotel (BRH) requires all guests to comply with their SOP. Please download & read the BRH SOP here.

Jumpa anda di sana.
See you there.

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