MSNT Board of Directors (BOD) paid a courtesy visit on the Department of Skills Development (DSD) or Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Director General, Mr. Zaihan Shukri at his office in Parcel D, Putrajaya. The Director General was very receptive and generously spent 2 hours discussing sustainability and the way forward of Sistem Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM)-NDT. MSNT vice president, Dr Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin briefly highlighted MSNT involvement on the National NDT scheme since the era of Lembaga Latihan Perindustrian dan Persijilan Ketukangan Kebangsaan (LLPPKK), the involvement of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in shaping the society, Malaysian Nuclear Agency’s role in spearheading the aspiration, and members contribution and input in constructing the outcomes.
JPK and MSNT highlighted and exchanged opinions on various issues such as numbers of SPKM-NDT holders, perception and recognition of Malaysian industries on SPKM-NDT, Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK), SPKM-NDT for Malaysia aerospace industries, and the importance of regulation involving the application of SPKM-NDT in Malaysia as the way forward.
Also present during the courtesy visit were officers from JPK NDT Certification Unit.
JPK is the sole Certification Body (CB) accredited with ISO/IEC 17024 for the scope of NDT MS ISO 9712 from the Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM). JPK ensures implementation of the SPKM-NDT certification scheme is in accordance to the standards, levels and quality as recognized by the industries and other international certification.
MSNT and JPK are signatories to the ICNDT MRA Schedule 1 (read here) and Schedule 2 (read here), respectively.