In News
Salam and hi, Notice is hereby given that the 32nd AGM of the Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT) will be held at the Bangi Resort Hotel, Bangi, Selangor on
Any person of Malaysian nationality over 18 years, company or organization, alien residents and foreigners who subscribe to the interests and welfare of the Society may apply for membership to be approved by the Board.
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Any person of Malaysian nationality over 18 years, company or organization, alien residents and foreigners who subscribe to the interests and welfare of the Society may apply for membership to be approved by the Board.
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By setiausahamsnt In News
Salam and hi, Notice is hereby given that the 32nd AGM of the Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT) will be held at the Bangi Resort Hotel, Bangi, Selangor on
By setiausahamsnt In News
Kami berasa amat gembira untuk berkongsi buletin suku tahunan kami edisi ke-90, yang akan memberi maklumat berkenaan perkembangan program terkini MSNT. Baca disini. We are excited to share the 90th
By setiausahamsnt In News
Edisi terbaru Buletin Wilayah APFNDT telah terbit. Terbitan kali ini melaporkan bagaimana perjalanan Persatuan – Persatuan NDT peringkat Kebangsaan melaksanakan aktiviti – aktiviti mereka sepanjang tahun 2020 dan perancangan untuk
By setiausahamsnt In News
MSNT wish everybody a blessed Ramadhan. We hope that this holy month will inspire you with courage and strength that will help you to win every challenge of life! Stay
By setiausahamsnt In News
JPK telah membangunkan satu garis panduan sementara berkaitan pengurusan SPKM NDT dengan mengambilkira keperluan ISO 17024, ISO 9712 dan saranan pengoperasian badan persijilan oleh pihak International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing
By setiausahamsnt In News
Happy Chinese New Year! We hope that all your wishes come true! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!
By setiausahamsnt In News
A research article that was written by Mr Ezeddine Hamida on the Role of NDT in the Development of Production, Cost Reduction, and Enhancement Occupational Safety in the Oil and
By setiausahamsnt In News
MSNT mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua. MSNT wish everyone a Happy New Year.
By setiausahamsnt In News
Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) baru-baru ini menerbitkan koleksi kisah kejayaan dari kerjasama teknikal IAEA (TC) di Asia dan Pasifik. Di antara kisah kejayaan yang diketengahkan ialah kejayaan Malaysia dalam