Any person of Malaysian nationality over 18 years, company or organization, alien residents and foreigners who subscribe to the interests and welfare of the Society may apply for membership to be approved by the Board.
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Any person of Malaysian nationality over 18 years, company or organization, alien residents and foreigners who subscribe to the interests and welfare of the Society may apply for membership to be approved by the Board.
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By setiausahamsnt In News
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) will organize the 17th Asia Pacific Conference for Non-Destructive Testing (APCNDT) in Honolulu, Hawaii on 11-14 May 2026. Get updates from their
By setiausahamsnt In News
Sesi town hall Badan Persijilan NDT, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran – JPK Putrajaya bersama pengamal NDT akan diadakan pada 22 Mac 2023 (Rabu) melalui Zoom bermula jam 10 pagi (pendaftaran bermula
By setiausahamsnt In News
The SPRINT Robotics Asia-Pacific Summit will be held on March 22 – 23, 2023 at the InterContinental Singapore . MSNT is pleased to announce our Vice President, Mr Wan Abdullah
By setiausahamsnt In News
MSNT president, Dr Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin, was elected to be one of the APFNDT Regional Group (Board) member for 2023 – 2026. This significant recognition by the APFNDT marks
By setiausahamsnt In News
It is our great honor to announce the MSNT’s successful bid to organize the 18th APCNDT, which will be held at the KLCC Convention Centre from November 12-16, 2029. We
By setiausahamsnt In News
MSNT congratulates Puan Salbiah Hussein of Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran – JPK Putrajaya on her APFNDT award for her consistent and significant efforts in support of NDT in the region. The
By setiausahamsnt In News
The Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT) is proud to announce that Dr. Abd Nassir Ibrahim, past MSNT President and current Advisor, has received the Asia Pacific Federation for NDT
By setiausahamsnt In News
Ahli Persatuan Ujian Tanpa Musnah Malaysia (MSNT) yang dihormati, Respected Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT) members, Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera. Assalamualaikum and Greetings. Notis Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan (AGM) ke-34
By setiausahamsnt In News
Ucapan tahniah kepada Puan Hajah Noraishah binti Pungut atas pelantikan sebagai Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Atom. MSNT congratulates Puan Hajah Noraishah binti Pungut on her appointment as Director General of
By setiausahamsnt In News
Happy Chinese New Year. MSNT wishes you happinessĀ and prosperity. Follow us: FB Page: @malaysiansocietyforndt Twitter: @MalSocForNDT LinkedIn: @Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT)